GLMO is the acronym for Gitxsan Lax yip Management Office.
The mandate of the Gitxsan Lax yip Management Office Society are:
- to assist the Gitxsan Simgigyat in providing expertise, support, and facilitation to ensure informed decisions are made regarding management of land interests, and natural resources in a manner that is consistent with the legal standards set out in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples;
- to provide the Gitxsan Simgigyat with natural and cultural resource information regarding each Wilp’s Lax yip land/resource policy based on Gitxsan Ayookw;
- to provide coordination, operational, and technical support in connection with any land and resource management; and
- to provide, upon request, coordination, operational, and technical support in connection with any agreement that any member of the Laxyip Management Office Society may wish to negotiate with proponents, the Province of British Columbia and/or Canada.
No. The GLMO does not sign anything on behalf of the Simgigyat or their lax yip. GLMO works directly with the Simoogit to provide technical services so that the Simoogit can make an informed decision.
No. The Simoogit has full autonomy in their decision-making process.
We do not manage anyone’s lax yip but we do receive information from proponents who want to do anything on Gitxsan lax yip. We contact those whose lax yip will be affected to give them the information that we received. We can then work with the Simoogit/Wilp, if they want our help, in replying to the proponent or to set up a meeting so there is proper consultation and engagement.
Yes. The GLMO is open and transparent and willing to talk to anyone. You can email us, call us or drop by the office.
We do not claim to represent all of the Gitxsan as we are only the technical body who receives information from proponents and then contacts the Simoogit whose lax yip will be affected. If that is all the Simoogit wants from us that is their choice and we will respect that. If they do want technical expertise, however, they can receive help from GLMO in explaining what the proponent is wanting/asking so that the Simoogit/Wilp can make an informed decision.
There were existing staff who were working as Watershed Facilitators. The need for a land management office became apparent because proper consultation was lacking. So, with recommendations and support from the Simgigyat, the Gitxsan Lax Yip Management Office was born. For new positions, the job opportunities were posted and shared on Facebook, faxed to Band Offices and put in the Bulkley Browser.
Proponents, including pipeline companies, want to engage with the Watershed Simgigyat. While there has been some dialogue, no agreements/contracts have been signed.