Who We Are
The Gitxsan Laxyip Management Office is based on a land and resource organizational structure and maintaining and strengthening alignment with Gitxsan Ayookw. Our staff will provide a variety of services including but not limited to forestry, climate change, mapping, and land use planning. We will have open, consistent, and trusted communications through a monthly newsletter, website, and local presence. We feel it’s important to uphold Gitxsan culture, language, and traditions by building our foundation on Gitxsan land and resource policies.
The Gitxsan Laxyip Management Office (GLMO) was established by the Gitxsan Simgigyat to develop strategies and provide technical support for decisions on land-based activities. The office and the staff are responsible for finding and providing resources in a timely matter to the Simgigyat and Wilp members in order for them to make free, prior, and informed decisions. The role of the GLMO is to be proactive in the consultation and engagement process, ensure that the consultation aligns with the Gitxsan governance and Wilp structure, and create implementation strategies under the provincial Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People’s Act (DRIPA). The GLMO can coordinate communication and negotiation with the BC Government and individual proponents as it relates to any activities that impact Aboriginal Rights and Title on the Gitxsan Lax yip upon request from each Simoogit. GLMO does not make or authorize any decisions nor do we sign any agreements on anyone’s behalf as we are only the technical body that acts on the direction of the Simoogit/Simgigyat. All Simgigyat can utilize the technical services of the GLMO. We are apolitical meaning we do not get involved in political affairs of any nature.
We are also working with youth to connect them with Simgigyat, Knowledge Keepers, Elders, and the Laxyip. We are planning a land guardian program to get boots-on-the-ground people to monitor land-based activities, collect data, and have a visual presence on the Laxyip.
We currently have 13 staff working with the Watershed Simgigyat, Wilp members, and anyone who needs resources to support a land-based decision. Feel free to reach out to us and come and visit.
“It was the responsibility of the Elders of the House to pass on the knowledge of the history of the House and anything that may enhance the lives of the young people of the House, and it was usually not related to another House, it was something that was kept right in the House, the methods that they used.”
Wii Goob’l Jessie Sterritt

Our office is located at:
4240 Government Street in Old Hazelton, BC