Our Mandate

The mandate of the Gitxsan Laxyip Management Office Society are:

a) to assist the Gitxsan Simgigyat in providing expertise, support, and facilitation to ensure informed decisions are made regarding management of land interests, and natural resources in a manner that is consistent with the legal standards set out in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP);

b) to provide the Gitxsan Simgigyat with natural and cultural resource information regarding each Wilp’s Laxyip land/resource policy based on Gitxsan Ayookw;

c) to provide coordination, operational, and technical support in connection with any land and resource management; and

d) to provide, upon request, coordination, operational, and technical support in connection with any agreement that any member of the Gitxsan Laxyip Management Office Society may wish to negotiate with proponents, the Province of British Columbia and/or Canada.

Our Mission

To support and empower our Huwilp to make informed decisions and exercise authority over the Laxyip.

Our Vision

Sovereign, inclusive and sustainable Laxyip for present and future generations.



“The foundations of Gitxsan and Wet’suwet’en societies are firmly entrenched in our own laws. But in the face of Provincial and Federal disrespect for these laws and the injustice this has brought, the Gitxsan and Wet’suwet’en have come to this court to secure those foundations in Canadian law, law which the Province and Federal Governments can be compelled to respect. Only then will the Gitxsan and Wet’suwet’en be able to negotiate a just resolution of their relationship with Canada. This case is therefore a search for legal pathways to justice.”

Delgamuukw Ken Muldoe


About Us

The Gitxsan Laxyip Management Office (GLMO) was established by the Gitxsan Simgigyat to develop strategies and to provide technical support for decisions on land-based activities. The office and the staff are responsible for finding and providing resources in a timely matter to the Simgigyat and Wilp members in order for them to make free, prior, and informed decisions. The role of the GLMO is to be proactive in the consultation and engagement process, ensure that the consultation aligns with the Gitxsan governance and Wilp structure, and create implementation strategies under the provincial Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People’s Act (DRIPA).

Project Initiatives

The Gitxsan Hereditary Chiefs created Gitxsan Laxyip Management Office (GLMO) as the office responsible for working directly with the Simgigyat to develop strategic engagement agreements and land use plans that will be the framework used when any proponents want to engage with the Gitxsan. GLMO provides technical support and expertise in forestry, mining, etc. to all Gitxsan Simgigyat so they can make informed decisions for their Lax Yip.