After 14 months of discussions, 24 Simgigyat from 7 different watersheds, including Babine, Upper Skeena, Mid Skeena, Kispiox, Sustut, Suskwa, and Upper Nass, signed the Strategic Engagement Agreement (SEA) on January 11, 2023. It should be noted that not all Simgigyat who have Laxyip inside these watersheds signed as that choice is up to each individual Wilp. The SEA will assist the Gitxsan Laxyip Management Office (GLMO) in supplying each Simoogit and Wilp with technical support and information regarding any referrals and consultations that may or may not impact their Laxyip. GLMO is an inclusive resource for the Gitxsan and is willing to help all Wilp who require technical support in natural resource matters.

This updated Strategic Engagement Agreement is a result of input and recommendations from the Watershed Simgigyat. This is the third version of the SEA, it will change the way resource management decisions have been made in the past from a provincial decision-maker, information sharing, and time-bound constraints to a collaborative management module that is focused on consent-based decision-making by the Gitxsan and the province. This is a step forward in the process of shared decision-making and co-management and towards control and management over the natural resources within the Gitxsan Laxyip. For the Gitxsan, this is a positive development.

For more information on the SEA, or a copy of the agreement please come by the Laxyip Management Office and our staff will be happy to assist you.